
buying books

So, on wednesday, I didn't work (well, I didn't work thursday or friday but that's besides the point). So, I thought it would be a good time to actually go down and buy books before everyone else, right? WRONG! I got there, and the place was packed....with freshmen. And their moms. And their dads. And their siblings. Gosh! When did buying college textbooks become a family outing? Doesn't everyone dread buying their books? I guess having your mom there to buy your books for you makes it pleasurable ("Hey, I almost spent $500 on books but hey, mom's picking up the tab!"). As for me, I just bought a couple of books, all for less than $100! I feel quite proud of myself for that accomplishment. (of course, I had nothing to do with it, other than I got there early enough to get the books used) Moral of the story: don't buy books! (just kidding. just don't go at 2:00 in the afternoon)

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